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Lone Star Corvette Club

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Drag Racing 

LSCC Drag Racing


Upcoming Events
Upcoming Drag Racing
The Lone Star Corvette Club has a very active Drag Racing team. From March through October you’ll find us competing in the Muscle Car Club Series at local drag strips. The team has won the series several times and we’d like to do it again. Join the Killer Vette Drag Race Team and get in on all the fun!

We compete in about nine races during the season. They are posted on the Club’s Event Calendar and in its newsletter. "Click" on the Event Calendar button to be redirected to it. Event Calendar

Any Club member of legal driving age is welcome to participate in one or all the races. Experience is not necessary. The cost is about $20-$30 to race and $10-$15 to watch. If you would like to caravan to a race, call the drag racing coordinator and she will set something up for you. Most of us just meet at the track. You can always find our Club. We have several members who bring trailers that you can’t miss. We don’t all run Vettes but we all have our club letter “H” in chalk on our windshields.

It’s not who’s the fastest but who can cut the best light and judge how fast his car is. We race everything from trucks to sedans. You do not have to race your Corvette. Some clubs we race against are: the "North Texas Mustang Club," "Cowtown Mopars," "HOS," "Dallas Area Pontiac Association," and the "Extreme Corvette Club."

If you’ve never drag raced before, take a few minutes and read the “Introduction to Bracket Racing” Just "Click" on Bracket Racing Intro  We also have a little handout that we can give you at the track.

Martha Kaus
Drag Racing Coordinator

To Order Lone Star Corvette Club Shirts
Martha Kaus
Ph: 972-672-4228